How to treat osteochondrosis at home?

To cure osteochondrosis with folk remedies and at home, you need to have an idea of what it is. Osteochondrosis is a disease of the articular cartilage in which degenerative disorders develop. Most often, the disease affects the intervertebral discs of the back, but it can develop in any joint.

The very essence of osteochondrosis raises questions about a cure without surgery, but this is not the case. Any doctor can prove that the treatment of osteochondrosis at home is no less effective than the use of traditional medicine. Folk remedies in the treatment of osteochondrosis can be prescribed even by experienced doctors, as an addition to the main procedures.

Traditional medicine against osteochondrosis

Not everyone believes in this type of treatment and it is in vain. In some cases, the treatment of osteochondrosis with home remedies is much more effective and faster when used in conjunction with other more traditional methods.

All popular methods can be divided into several groups: decoctions for ingestion, rubbing and compresses for external use, therapeutic baths, massages and special exercises. Let us consider each of them separately.

Decoctions and infusions

decoction of bay leaves for osteochondrosis

So, let's begin a review of traditional methods with the preparation of medicinal decoctions for oral administration:

  1. Laurel infusions. To prepare this folk remedy, it is necessary to pour half a liter of water into a container and pour 5-6 g. The container should be put on high heat, boil and reduce. The contents should boil for 5 minutes and drain in a thermos to keep it warm. The broth should be infused for 3-4 hours and drunk within 1 day. A course includes 3 days of use and 1 week of rest.
  2. Medicinal tincture on currant leaves. Four dry currant leaves should be placed in a heat-resistant container, fill with half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 7-8 hours. Before drinking, the liquid is separated from the pulp and drunk throughout the day. 1 course lasts 30 days. You can get rid of osteochondrosis in 3-4 months.
  3. They ate the cones. Homemade pineapple treatment involves harvesting fruit in a coniferous forest in early fall. For 1 course you need 31 cones. Every day, you need to pour 1 fruit with a glass of water and leave it overnight. The infusions are taken in the morning and at night for half a glass.
  4. A decoction of nettle roots. Take 2 tablespoons. l. the driest roots of the plant and cut into small pieces. The cut is poured into a container, filled with 0. 5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Boil for no more than 5 minutes and strain through a colander. The broth is supplemented with nettle juice (1 tablespoon) and is drunk 4 times a day in equal amounts. To beat the disease, you need to drink a medicinal decoction for 2 months.
  5. Infusions on pine buds. With osteochondrosis, you need to grind the pine buds in a coffee grinder and fill a 3-liter jar with them. 300 g of sugar are added to the content and mixed well. The jar should be kept in the refrigerator until it turns brown. The loose substance should be taken 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

Remind!When preparing home remedies for osteochondrosis, it is strongly recommended to follow the recipe dosages. And also look at all the features of its reception during treatment. Excessive use of traditional medicine methods will not lead to anything good.

Ointments and salves

ginger and garlic for osteochondrosis

In addition to medicinal tinctures, popular methods of treating osteochondrosis include making and using special ointments and "rubs".

For example, elderberry infusion. For those who do not know how to get rid of pain during the inflammatory process. 50 g of elderberry brush with pure alcohol (0, 3 l) should be poured. The container should be wrapped and allowed to stand for 7 days. After a week, this folk remedy is used to rub the cervical spine, which is affected by osteochondrosis.

And also treatment with home remedies includes rubbing with ginger and garlic. It is necessary to grate both ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and add melted butter so that the mixture rubs better. Rubbing should occur in places where severe pain appears.

Rubbing with lemon juice and iodine is another healing method that belongs to home remedies. It is necessary to mix these two components in a 1: 1 ratio and rub the entire spine with this mixture.

You can hear good reviews about the vinegar egg cure. To prepare this folk remedy, you need to break the egg into a container and pour 150 ml of vinegar into it. To add stickiness, add 100g of ghee and beat well. The resulting mass should be rubbed on the back and neck before going to bed.

You can treat the spine at home with the following medications: fir oil and menthol (1% or 2%).

Herbal baths

herbs for osteochondrosis

Even taking herbal baths is included in the section "home remedies for treating osteochondrosis". In addition, the use of this method for osteochondrosis is believed to accelerate the process of eliminating the disease. But at the same time, this cannot be considered basic.

A bath based on horse chestnut decoction is very popular to cure osteochondrosis. It is simple: you must chop the fruits of the tree (5-6 pieces) and boil them for 20 minutes on the fire. Also, the broth is poured into a bath filled with water. The procedure should not last more than 25 minutes.

By the same principle, you can take baths from birch leaves, pine needles (cedar, fir, pine) and chamomile. The main task is to make a decoction of these elements and add them to a warm bath.

You can perform such procedures throughout the week. The remedy well relieves the inflammatory process due to osteochondrosis of the spine.


potatoes and honey for osteochondrosis

The application of compresses and bandages is a comprehensive folk remedy in the treatment of osteochondrosis. They are very convenient because they can be used to treat the spine both at home and in the hospital.

  • The simplest but effective recipe for osteochondrosis is potatoes with honey. Raw potatoes are rubbed and honey is added (1: 1). The mixture is applied to the tissue and fixed on the sore spot (2 hours).
  • Various herbs (burdock, burdock and St. John's wort) are mixed in equal proportions and 0. 33 liters of boiling water are poured. The collection is infused for 1 hour and filtered. The remaining pulp is applied to the fabric, and the gauze is moistened in the broth. The compress is placed on the sore spot and the neck is wrapped with gauze. The compress works for about 25 minutes until it reaches room temperature. This remedy relieves pain in acute attacks of osteochondrosis.

Special massages

massage for osteochondrosis

Massage is not only a modern therapy method, but also an alternative treatment method for osteochondrosis. This is especially true when it is done with additional components or special devices.

Cupping massage can be done at home. Before the massage, you need to lubricate your back with a moisturizing ointment or vegetable oil. Then two vacuum cans are placed on the back, which are slid down the back with sliding movements. In the places where the glasses are held, it improves blood circulation, which helps to establish the metabolic processes of the body.

A good example of how to treat osteochondrosis at home is to regularly perform honey massages. This procedure consists of applying liquid honey to the affected areas and, as it were, "pressing" it. It is especially effective to do it after a shower or bath, when the patient's pores are open. After the procedure, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a blanket and, keeping warm, give the body a rest for half an hour or an hour.

Traditional methods of treating osteochondrosis are not limited to one application method. To effectively fight the disease, it is recommended to combine several recipes at once.

Exercises and therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis.

exercises for osteochondrosis

It is good to know how spinal osteochondrosis is treated with home remedies. But the elimination of the disease is not limited to this. Now we will see how to cure osteochondrosis at home using special exercises.

For the treatment of the cervical spine of osteochondrosis, everything is simple. This area is perfectly developed with regular circular movements of the head, which is enough to strengthen. And when it comes to the lower back and chest, developing a list of appropriate exercises requires the intervention of a specially trained physician.

Exercise develops the spine, strengthens the back muscles, thereby reducing the load on the affected areas of the spine. Among all the other methods, the implementation of such sets of exercises is the most effective treatment for osteochondrosis at home. During your training, rest should not be neglected. Excessive stress can negatively affect the spine and its treatment process.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies at home is recommended to be combined with traditional drug therapy and dietary adjustments, and not to replace self-medication with comprehensive medical care.

With osteochondrosis, the essence of adjusting the diet is not gaining excess weight. The large body weight puts great pressure on the spine, which aggravates the situation and prevents treatment. Weight loss is only possible when: fatty foods are excluded, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced, mainly cooked foods are consumed, fruits and vegetables are increased in the diet. Also, such diets can be attributed to the prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine.

Now we know how to treat osteochondrosis with home remedies and we can start to eliminate it safely. Remember, osteochondrosis is not a sentence, but before using this or that alternative treatment method, it is best to consult with your doctor.